“The Fabulous Beekman Boys,” the hit reality show on the Cooking Channel, is an amusing look at a couple who moved from New York City to an upstate farm. Josh Kilmer-Purcell and Brent Ridge left their urban lifestyles behind to buy the Beekman farm, where they raise goats, pigs, chickens, and a llama, and produce organic products such as goat milk soap and cheese.
The presentation will be followed by a “Pop-Up Farmers Market” in the theater lobby featuring local food and gift vendors.
Regular tickets are $30 ($20 for students). VIP tickets are $100, which includes a 6:15 pm reception with Kilmer-Purcell and Ridge before the show, featuring locally sourced food from Austin chefs, along with local wines, spirits and beer.
Information and tickets are available at the Paramount Theatre Box Office, online or (512) 474-1221.
The evening is part of Edible Austin’s “Eat/Drink Local Week,” with proceeds benefiting Mobile Loaves & Fishes.
Location: Paramount Theatre, 719 Congress Ave., Austin, 78701