Independent journalism has become a target of some of the country’s most powerful politicians, who regularly demean venerable news media institutions as “failing,” accuse professional reporters of producing “fake news,” and brand all of journalism as “an enemy of the American people.”
These attacks are why independent journalism is more important than ever.
To celebrate the crucial role of independent journalism in supporting a democratic political system, Austin-area journalists, journalism students, and journalism teachers will gather to articulate the American commitment to a free press. Participants in the teach-in will describe their own work and describe the contributions of legendary journalists, past and present.
“The role of a free press must never be taken lightly,” said Maggie Rivas-Rodriguez, a former newspaper journalist and current professor at the University of Texas School of Journalism, who led the organizing for the event. “All Americans should understand that good journalism helps our country understand who we are and holds our institutions accountable. We hope this teach-in will shed some light.”
Location: Texas Capitol, south steps, 11th and Congress, Austin