Climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe will address some of today’s key ecological and social questions: What risks does climate change pose? Is a safe and sustainable future possible, given our energy and economic interests, and widespread political rejection of these risks? And why are evangelicals so opposed to accepting the science of climate change? Hayhoe, a professor in the Public Administration program and Director of the Climate Science Center at Texas Tech University, is often featured in media stories about climate, including this profile in the New York Times.
Hayboe’s talk is part of the “Hot Science – Cool Talks” hosted by the University of Texas’ Environmental Science Institute. There will be a Community Science Fair from 5:45 to 6:45 pm, with the talk beginning at 7 pm.
More information online. Tickets ($10 for student and $15-$25, with a $55 VIP ticket) can be ordered online.
Location: Paramount Theatre, 719 Congress Ave., Austin, 78701