“Private Violence” explores the reality that the most dangerous place for a woman in America is her own home. The film features two survivors – Deanna Walters, a mother who seeks justice for the crimes committed against her at the hands of her estranged husband, and Kit Gruelle, an advocate who seeks justice for all women. “Private Violence” asks questions that hold the potential to change our society: “Why does he abuse?” “Why do we turn away?” “How do we begin to build a future without domestic violence?”
A reception begins at 6:30 pm with the screening at 7 pm, followed by a discussion led by Maisha Barrett, the Training Specialist at SAFE Austin, a non-profit organization dedicated to ending child abuse, sexual assault, and domestic violence.
The screening is part of the “Controversy & Conversation” series, a collaboration between the Austin Public Library and the Humanities Institute’s Difficult Dialogues Program at the University of Texas. More information online and on the Facebook event page.
Location: Austin Public Library, Terrazas Branch, 1105 East Cesar Chavez St., Austin, 78702