The Austin Film Society will screen “Anne Braden: Southern Patriot.” The documentary tells the story of about the extraordinary life of the journalist and civil rights leader who was hailed by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in his 1963 “Letter from Birmingham Jail” as one of the white southerners who wrote about the movement in “eloquent and prophetic terms.” Braden and her husband edited Southern Patriot, the newspaper of the Southern Conference Educational Fund. Ostracized by some for her left views, she fought for an inclusive movement community and became a mentor for generations of social justice activists.
Watch the trailer for the film. Read “A Traitor to Her Race,” a review of the film by Texas Observer managing editor Susan Smith Richardson.
Director Anne Lewis, who teaches documentary filmmaking at the University of Texas, will answer questions after the screening. Her most recent film was “Morristown: in the air and sun,” which looks at the issues of immigration, factory flight, and the organized demand for economic justice.
Tickets will be available online through the Film Society at or at the theater on night of screening.
Location: Alamo Drafthouse South Lamar, 1120 S. Lamar Blvd., Austin, 78704